Placeholder Image Low-Code
without the Lock-In

Build apps 10x faster, without dependence on proprietary tools, just industry-standard tech like JS and SQLite.

Simple Tech for Lightweight Web-Apps

If you're not at the scale of Facebook or Google, you should be using much simpler tools. It should be as easy to build a simple web-app as it is to create a simple web page.


  • ImageAll data is held in SQLite DBs
  • Image Access in browser via a simple JS library.
  • Image No middleware. Just talk to your DB in JS code

Easy to Build

  • ImagePush code, reload page, test, repeat
  • Image Update DB records with get/set methods
  • Image Call sync() operations to send updates back to server


  • Image Use any front-end framework
  • Image Download your DBs for offline updates or analysis
  • Image Connect to REST APIs like ChatGPT or Google Address Validator
Placeholder Image

Build Custom GenAI-powered Apps with WWIO

Use to build a custom interface between your data, your users, and GenAI services such as OpenAI and Anthropic

Software Services

Does your company use Excel to manage an important part of its operations?
Let us build a custom WWIO app just for you.

Simple Custom Apps For You

We'll build you an app that has all the features you want, and none that you don't want. Experience the magic of custom software.

Leverage 3rd Party APIs

WWIO apps are a great way to connect to powerful APIs provided by Big Tech companies, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Operational Research tools.

Integrate With Your Stack

It's easy to download and publish data to other parts of your software stack. WWIO apps are great for gluing other systems together.

Fast Agile Development

WWIO is blazing fast at getting prototypes and early versions ready. Then we'll iteratively polish and perfect your app until it fits your needs exactly.

Radically Affordable

Because of the simplicity and ease of development of the WWIO platform, we can deliver custom apps at a price point that is accessible to even the smallest organization.

Protection Against Lockin

WWIO apps use standard web tools like JS and HTML, so your code won't be locked into the platform. You can also run an open core version of WWIO on your own infra.

See what Our Customers say


A Solution for Every Organization

Choose the configuration of WWIO that best matches your needs and budget. Try out our free tier or open source offering to start.


Open Core

The core features of the platform are fully open source and run on any Java-compatible server. You can run WWIO on your Raspberry Pi.


WWIO Starter

Build apps for yourself, your family, or your small business using our FREE, full-featured starter package.


WWIO Pro Team

Run full-featured apps on our hosted platform. Multiple accounts, dedicated support.


WWIO Enterprise

Run the WWIO platform on your own servers. We install, configure, and monitor for you.

Sign Up.