Template Generator

The Template Generator is a useful tool that makes it very easy to get started with Widget development. All you have to do is define your table, and the generator will give you a basic, fully functional page that will allow you to create, update and delete records for the table.

To use the Template Generator, all you need to do is define a table schema in SQLite and upload it to the server using the Python Scripts. Then go to the Template Generator page in the Admin console. Select the Widget you are using and the table that you just defined. Then click on the download link. You will receive a widget.wisp file that is configured to use your new table.

Move this file to the code area for the widget, and use the CodePush.py script to upload it back to the server. Then load the page on the server. If everything worked properly, this page should allow you to create, view, edit, and delete records for your new table. From here, you can start to edit the downloaded file, to customize the functionality according to what you want it to do.